From 6 weeks to 5 days
Texas GC is super sold on Falkbuilt

Richard Carey’s family has been in the construction business for three generations. “It’s something we take a lot of pride in,” says the owner of CWG Construction in Dallas, Texas. The general contractor builds a lot of hospitals in the Lonestar state, and after working with our Falkbuilt Dallas North Branch, Richard is a big fan of Digital Component Construction.
He was happy to “get the facts” about cost and schedule right up front. “It’s very easy for a construction management company to come up with a theory of what things cost as far as materials and the time that it should take, sitting behind a desk.” He likes that Falkbuilt takes the guessing out of the equation.

“What we are witnessing is superior product,” says Richard. “I was amazed at the structural foundation of those partitions. You could ram a hospital bed into that wall and it’s going to have minimal effect … I can tell you because it happens every single day. We’re at hospitals every single day repairing walls because a hospital bed got away.”

The super strength of Super Studs, digital horizontals and cladding is only one of the many advantages that impresses Richard. He loves the engineering, design and configurations too, not to mention Falkbuilt’s incredible speed of construction. “What would take us literally six weeks would take maybe, MAYBE, five working days.”
As for why Richard is singing our praises, he tells us he feels a professional duty to his clients and colleagues in construction. “Anytime there is a product that outshines our industry standard structurally and cosmetically, I have always found it to be a better direction,” he says.
“In this business, all of us strive to provide and perform the best of our abilities to succeed in lasting relationships with clients. They are the staple of what our businesses survive on.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Everything we do at Falkbuilt is geared to making our clients as happy as Richard.
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